Tiny Scrap Block

tiny scrap block

I’m part of my local modern quilt guild and tiny piecing is the theme for this year’s charity quilt. I volunteered to make a block without having used the method for constructing the blocks before, so I thought I should practice. This tiny block — about 3″ square — was a lot of fun to put together! It’s based on the piecing technique used by Debra Jalbert who, among other things, won 1st place at QuiltCon for improvization. I really, really enjoyed this method but it does take a little while — this block took maybe 15 – 20 minutes? Anyway, not sure if I will continue with this color palette and make something a little larger or stop here. I still need to make the block for the guild to return at our meeting the end of this month.

bris quilt getting there

And I’m finally working on adding these borders to Bri’s quilt. I’m further along than this photo shows, really just have a couple of seams to complete and then it’s done. I want to keep up the momentum and go ahead and get the back made for this right away, too, so it’s one step closer to really, truly being done.

city sampler 36_39

I also ironed all my fabric for the Seeing Stars QAL and worked on my City Sampler Blocks. I need to get a jump on the next few of those and I’m hoping at some point to actually go back and work on the first two sections. The dark picture above shows blocks 36 – 39. They look much brighter in natural light! Anyway, I’m enjoying the process of that, too.

That’s my list for the week:

  • keep working on tiny scraps block(s)
  • finish up Bri’s top
  • make the back for Bri’s quilt
  • keep up with the Seeing Stars QAL
  • keep up/catch up with the City Sampler SAL

What are you working on? Oh, I’m also still helping my friend put together her first quilt! So that’s fun!

I’m linking this to Oh, Scrap, To-Do Tuesday, and Monday Making (because…I was making all this on Monday! ;) ).